Successful online marketing depends on a partnership between you and
your web design firm. We believe that, as web site designers, we have
an obligation to monitor, guide and support you in using your web site.
Below are some of our beliefs as well as rules that we use to create
the Best in Your Industry
Striving to be the best in
your industry means that you are trying to set the mark for your industry.
With millions of web pages on the Internet and millions of businesses
trying to get your customer's attention, it makes sense to differentiate
yourself. The best way to do this on the Internet is to make a professional
presentation with compelling content. Keep in mind that marketing on
the Internet is about presentation and customer perceptions.
your site on the Internet requires a logical flow, with well formed
thoughts and a customer orientation. (See "Customer Service"
Below) There is much more to designing a web site than simply "building
some pages".Creating an effective online presence requires that
you blend well written information, quality design and effective presentation.
Achieving this goal requires a great deal of work and cooperation between
you and the designer. On the Internet you have the ability to present
yourself and your business in the best light. There are no restraints
on color, space, content, words, presentation or any other creative
outlet. You have the ability to present your case, explain the benefits,
provide reasons to buy from you and, ultimately, stimulate the visitor
to order from you or request more information. When someone comes to
your website, they are already looking for the products, services or
information that you are offering. Take the opportunity to close the
sale with a professional and organized Internet presentation.
Cut Corners
If your web visitor arrives at your site to find a lackluster amateur
site, they will probably look elsewhere. An attractive site will assure
the customer that you care enough about your business to ensure that
each detail reflect favorably. Make sure to use professional photographs
and avoid boilerplate text, cookie-cutter clip-art and overused animations.
These are a sure sign that the company has cut corners on their web
site. This could easily cause the customer to ask, "If they cut
corners on their web site, where else did they cut corners?"
waste your money on web design software. While many programs offer advanced
features, they don't provide training or experience to help you produce
a professional web presence. They often use stock clip-art, stale animations
and cookie-cutter templates - all of which scream that the company has
cut corners. These programs don't make someone a good web designer any
more than owning a jet makes you a professional stunt pilot. There is
no substitute for years of experience. If you invest in a quality, professional
online presence and your competitor uses a cookie cutter option - your
competition will be seen as an amateur who cuts corners while you will
be seen as a professional, ethical, detail-oriented business person.
More Content! Fresh Content!
Looking around at sites on the Internet will reveal an interesting trend
- they are usually not updated. It is not uncommon for sites have the
tag-line, "Last updated February 4, 1996". What does this
say about the company that put the site on the Internet? Do they care
about the details? Do they still offer the products on their site? Are
they even still in business? If the site was last updated 6 years ago,
would you really want to do business with that company? Even sites that
are 6 months old start to look out of date and old.
Another point
to make here is that your site should contain all of the information
that you would want to find at your web site. The more information you
have, the more likely that your customer is going to find what they
want and buy from you. Put yourself in your customer's shoes. If you
were a customer visiting your web site, what would you want to find
there. Yes, the bigger a site is, the more it usually costs. That is
not the point. If you are not committed to creating a successful site
on the Internet, why waste any money on it at all. Having a site is
not enough. Having a professional, well-reasoned, informative site that
drives customers to buy from you is the answer.
sure that you provide the content (information) that your customer wants
is important. But just what information do visitors to your web site
really want. You can try to put yourself in their shoes and decide what
they would want. This is a good start, but this is not the end, but
the beginning. The best way to ensure that you are providing what your
customers want is to ask them and watch what they do. Good web hosting
companies will provide statistics as to which pages in your site are
most frequently visited. Analyzing these can be invaluable in determining
what you customers want to see on your web site. Another often used
and very successful method of gathering information from customers is
to ask them in an online survey. Most customers that are interested
in your company will tell you what they liked or disliked about your
site. All you have to do is just ask. Offering something free like a
small gift will often increase the amount of responses that you receive
as well. The most important part is to actually analyze and use the
information that you collect. This should not be just a touchy-
feely customer service exercise but a serious venture to improve your
Internet presence. Another indicator that you need to add something
to your website is the frequency that a question is asked. If you receive
e-mail or contact forms asking the same question several times, that
information should be added to the web site. This is where a FAQ (Frequently
Asked Questions) Page is useful.
Changing the
content continuously and analyzing what happens will help you to determine
what works. Small changes in wording can pay off big. Also, changing
the look of your site to keep it up to date can also be a big help.
Service, Where Did It Go?
In our present day world, it seems that customer service has been left
behind. So many businesses, both on and off the Internet, talk about
how long they have been in business, what they do and how they are going
to do it. These are easy to spot. The information they present is all
about me, our and us. What you need to ask is why do people do business
with you or, better yet, why do you buy the products that you buy. Do
you buy their products because they company has been around for 10 years?
Probably not. Do you buy their products because they have three different
product lines? Probably not. You buy products because they fill a need
or want that you have and offer you some benefit. A customer's focus
is on themselves. Likewise, your website is a reflection your interest
in filling the customer's needs. Does the customer feel that they are
getting value. Have you explained why the customer benefits from your
product or service? Most sites should include a FAQ (Frequently Asked
Questions) page that includes, addresses and explains completely the
answers to questions that a customer has. Remember, you can never provide
your customers with too much information, but you can leave them wanting...
It and They Might Come?
That's right! Just
because you build a web site and register it with the Internet search
engines doesn't mean that anyone will come to your web site. You need
to be interested in aggressively marketing your site both on and off
the Internet. Yes, marketing your web site outside of the Internet is
every bit as important as using the Internet search engines. A large
percentage of visitors to web sites actually type in the web address.
That means that they are using something other than web page links and
search engines to find sites. This could be due to word of mouth or
your companies own advertising initiative. Working with a professional
design firm that will help you plan and implement a marketing initiative
will work to ensure that your site is successful.

After reading the above you can see that, on the Internet, the only
thing that differentiates you from your competition is your logical,
professional presentation, your fresh, updated customer oriented content
and your partnership with a professional web design and marketing firm.
Simply putting up a web site isn't enough. You must market your site
and provide new information to keep people coming back again and again.
a good web site will actually generate its own word of mouth advertising
as visitors in your industry talk about the great resource that they
have found..
are you ready to get started?
Then complete
our online "Project
Survey" so that we can help you be successful on
the Internet. If you would like to get immediate feedback as to how
much you should budget for a web site, you can use our "Real-time
Quote" system. Be aware that the results may not
be accurate as your specific project requirements are being estimated
by a computer, not reviewed by our professional designers.