the Difference . . . Really?
If you have a company with several computers, a network, Internet access
and a server containing all of your corporate records, could you say
that it is set up properly? Most businesses answer "Yes" or
"I guess so". But are you really sure? Bad setups can let
hackers in, allow viruses to run rampant and can bring your company
to a halt. You can usually tell whether you have a professional consultant
by what topics he covers with you. A good professional consultant will
also approach your needs with an eye toward long term solutions. They
will avoid short term solutions that will be risky or inadequate in
the future.
Did your consultant discuss viruses with you? With the prevalence of
viruses on the Internet today, all businesses must address this issue.
Amateur and freelance"computer guys" working out of their
homes will often overlook the virus issue or - worse yet - they will
install a cheap, out-of date anti-virus program which gives you a false
sense of security. Your consultant should cover what virus threats
exist, what anti-virus software to use and how to update it. He should
also work with you, as your partner, to educate your staff about potential
virus threats and solutions to those threats.
Choosing how your computer systems are set up is also another factor
that can influence how susceptible you are to virus attacks. This issue
is almost always overlooked by amateurs who don't understand the issues
of ensuring data security. Professional consultants will work with you
to isolate systems that are more susceptible from systems that contain
critical data, thereby helping to ensure your company continues to function
Data Integrity
your consultant discuss data integrity with you? Most amateurs skip
this topic. Unfortunately, some address the topic by installing a tape
backup or giving you floppies to "make backups on" and instructing
you to backup every day. This sounds like they have addressed the problem.
But did they really? If you are using that same tape day after day to
backup you will always have a backup from the day before. But what if
you discover that you lost data two days ago? Three days ago? A week
ago? Can you get it back? Probably not. An experienced, professional
consultant will work with you to ensure that your data is safe and can
be recovered for more than one day. Establishing effective backup and
restore procedures is serious business if you are serious about your
A professional consultant will quite often not recommend the cheapest
equipment possible. This is because a good consultant realizes that
quality computing equipment is not just about price or even quality.
Several factors must be taken into account. Does the equipment being
recommended come from larger, established companies that have a track
record for quality? This is important because, like any machine, computers
can fail. You want to make sure that the company supplying the components
will be around to back it if a failure occurs. Does the company supplying
the parts have an acceptable replacement and repair policy? This is
an often overlooked detail that can bring your company to its knees.
The problem is that some companies have a mandatory two to six week
turnaround on failures and replacements. This means that if your server's
motherboard fails, you could be facing a two to six week period without
the use of your server. Can your company accept that? Probably not.
Another issue that is often overlooked is standardization. Good professional
consultants will not depart from standardized products without good
reason. This ensures that you can easily expand your systems or replace
failed components. One of the worst things that can happen is to have
a failed server component that requires replacement of the entire server.
Proprietary components can save money in the short term while costing
a small fortune in the long term.
Equipment Location
Professional consultants will be interested in ensuring that you have
the correct facilities available for your needs. Often times clients
will locate equipment in closets or small storage areas that have substandard
power systems or inadequate cooling. This can cause your equipment to
fail and data to be lost due to "dirty power" and overheating.
Proper ventilation and isolated circuits will most often cure this problem.
Your consultant should work with you to ensure that your older building
can fit your needs.
Total Solutions
The bottom line is that your professional consultant should be interested
in working as your partner to ensure that your business continues to
run smoothly. They should be educated, skilled and ethical people that
will listen to your needs and help you to select the right solution.
If you would like like to work with us on a project, please feel free
to drop us a line through our contact
form. If you already have assessed some of your needs,
you can provide us more detailed information in our project
summary section.